People often ask what distinguishes us as a church...
Simply put, we believe in the Bible as the sole authority in our life. It gives us direction, strength, and purpose. We stand on the Word of God and nothing else - not human emotions or feelings, not the writings of great teachers, just the Bible. We further believe that God’s Word has been preserved for us in the authorized King James Bible.
Based upon our stand on the Bible...
We believe that God eternally exists as three persons/one Being and that these three persons share the same nature and attributes. Each person of the Godhead has a different office and function.
We believe God the Father is the First Person of the Godhead. He is eternal, omniscient (all-knowing), omnipotent (all-powerful), and omnipresent (all-present).
We believe Jesus Christ is the Second Person of the Godhead. He was manifested in the flesh and born to a virgin named Mary. He was our sinless sacrifice that died on the cross and rose from the dead.
We believe The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Godhead. He dwells within every believer. His work in the believer consists of regeneration, indwelling, teaching, imparting of spiritual gifts, sealing, and filling.
We believe that man was created by God in His image and that man fell through sin. As a result, he became dead in his trespasses and sins having no ability to save himself. By man’s sin, he condemned the entire race of humanity. Apart from salvation, man has no hope for his future.
We believe in salvation as the only hope for mankind. Because of the shedding of Christ’s blood on the cross, and His resurrection from the grave, mankind does not have to be doomed. Through repentance and believing, a sinner can have everlasting life.
We believe in the afterlife. Heaven will be the eternal home of all of those who have accepted Christ as Savior. For those who refuse Christ as the only way of Salvation, they will consciously abide in Hell. In Hell, the unbeliever will be punished and tormented forevermore.
We believe in the Church. We believe that the Church is defined as a local body of baptized believers who hold to scriptural offices (pastor and deacon) and practice Biblical ordinances (baptism and Lord’s Table). A church ought to be organized for the purpose of worship, prayer, teaching, evangelism, and fellowshipping.
We believe in the imminent return of Christ. We believe that Christ will return to rapture His saints. After the rapture, the seven years of tribulation will commence, and will be ended by the return of Christ to set up his Millennial Reign.
We believe in separation of the believer. We believe that this means, our church must not cooperate with liberal organizations, heretical teaching, or groups that fellowship with these organizations and teachers. We also believe that we should be separated unto God while on earth. Therefore, what we say, where we go, and how we dress should be in keeping with our status as children of the King.
We believe in a traditional worship both in our pulpit and music. Hence, we use the Authorized King James Bible at all services. Equally, we choose that our music be conservative and God-honoring in its sound, words, and presentation.