Rejoicing In the Word

Rejoicing In The Word For Ladies – Daughters of the King – Part 3 (July 2022)

July 15, 2022

The focus for a daughter of the King, a redeemed child of God, is not self, but the Savior. We spent part 1 of this mini-series looking at Who He Is. In part 2, we began to meditate on What He Gives. For this final installment, there are five more “gifts” to add to our list- the…

Rejoicing In The Word For Ladies – Daughters of the King – Part 2 (June 2022)

June 20, 2022

As daughters of the King, we have a relationship that sets us in the family of God and gives us a home in heaven. Our soul’s salvation was found in Him. All our expectations can be met in Him. Our questions of human doubts and identity can be answered in Him. It is, in fact, better to learn Who He…

Rejoicing In The Word For Ladies – Daughters of the King – Part 1 (June 2022)

June 19, 2022

The phrase “daughters of the King” is an expression of identity. First, the phrase communicates relationship. For example, Romans 8:16-17a tells us, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ.” We have a relationship that sets us…

Rejoicing In The Word For Ladies – Man of Sorrow & the God of ALL Comfort (May 2022)

May 14, 2022

There are passages and promises in God’s Holy Word upon which His children can anchor their hearts and minds. Specifically, there are many faithful assurances that the Lord will never leave nor forsake His own. Deuteronomy 31:6 is a beautiful example: “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them:…

Rejoicing In The Word For Ladies – On Abigail’s 2nd Birthday (April 2022)

April 15, 2022

Change is a certainty of life. Even now, as spring blooms, there is a delightful, fragrant, refreshing change in the air and the landscape of our daily lives. Change around us is sometimes more noticeable than change within. Most often, it is the steady drip of time that wears new patterns and grooves across the…
