Hedgemaker Baptist – God’s Faithfulness to Adults

Adulthood brings many challenges to life. God is faithful in the midst of all of those challenges to guide, direct, sustain, and provide. God’s provisions for the nation of Israel are a testimony of God’s faithfulness to every adult. Psalms 105 and 106 are historical psalms that are addressed to the seed of Abraham (105:6). He mentioned the covenant that he made with Abraham (105:9) and reminds them that it was an everlasting covenant (105:10). What God promises he will fulfill.In his providence, God called for a famine in the land (105:16), which eventually led the nation into Egyptian bondage. And yet, God provided deliverance through Joseph (105:17). We must learn to see God at work in the events of life. While in this bondage, God sent another deliverer in the form of Moses (105:26). Egypt rejoiced when Israel finally left because they feared them (105:38). God, of course, struck that fear into their hearts.

Throughout the wilderness wanderings, God led his people with a cloud and fire (105:39). God may not lead people today just like that, but God does lead and guide. He provided the quail and manna (105:40), and water (105:41). God has many promises to provide for his people. Paul recognized this when he said, “My God shall supply” (Phil. 4:19). You can trust the faithfulness of God.

There was a miraculous deliverance from the bondage in Egypt with the rebuke of the Red Sea (106:9-11). As a result, the people sang a song of praise (106:12). Don’t forget to praise God when he gives a victory. They soon forgot God and his wonderful works (106:13-22) and as a result, God sent enemy nations to destroy the people of God. Their enemies oppressed them and many times God delivered them (106:42-43). In His faithfulness, God heard their cries (106:44), remembered his covenant, and even repented in mercy (106:45), and pitied them in captivity (106:46).

And how does the psalm end, “Praise ye the LORD” (106:47-48). The adult years ought to be the most praiseworthy years. Take the faith of a child, the energy of youth, and the wisdom of life and “give thanks unto the LORD, … for his mercy endureth for ever” (106:1). (LEH)