Rejoicing In the Word

Rejoicing In The Word For Ladies – Worthy (Christmas 2023)

December 22, 2023

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” Isaiah 9:6.Sixteen years ago, my husband and I were eagerly awaiting the birth of our firstborn,…

Rejoicing In The Word For Ladies – A Faithful Harvest (December 2023)

December 14, 2023

“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease” Gen. 8:22. Isn’t it an interesting thought that the seasons that bring so much change and variety to our life and experiences on earth are at the same time a reminder and representation…

Rejoicing In The Word For Ladies – A Fruitful Harvest (November 2023)

November 6, 2023

I recently uncovered a textbook from my Bible College Days titled Bible Manners and Customs. I don’t remember being overly fond of the laborious details in that book! But there was a purpose for its study. It brought to light the differences between the world and times of Bible peoples and our modern-day cultures. As one…

Rejoicing In The Word For Ladies – The Fowls of the Air (October 2023)

October 16, 2023

There are many Bible characters that had struggles with worry or anxiety: *Martha (Luke 10:41) “thou art careful and troubled about many things” Martha was burdened by service and ministry. She allowed the cares of life to come between her and the Savior. *Moses (Ex. 3:11) “Who am I…” Moses suffered from fear of his…

Rejoicing In The Word For Ladies – The Grass of the Field (September 2023)

September 12, 2023

My front yard in the month of August is usually a desert of brown- dry, crunchy, brown grass. Our lives are like that grass of the field.“As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth” Psa. 103:15. And yet God shows generous favor… “He shall come down…

Rejoicing In The Word For Ladies – Consider the Lilies (August 2023)

August 7, 2023

I suffered a spiritual discouragement recently, and I allowed my mind to wander with worry longer than I should have. Then I called on the Lord in prayer, and He said, “Take no anxious thought.” And I turned my mind to the passage in Matthew 6 which says, “Consider the lilies of the field, for…

Rejoicing In The Word For Ladies – Help Needed (July 2023)

July 15, 2023

Have you ever needed help? Have you had a friend who needed YOUR help? Maybe a little help or maybe a lot? There is an account in the gospels of a man sick with the palsy (a paralysis of some kind). This lame man’s friends went to great lengths to bring him face to face…

Rejoicing In The Word For Ladies – Renovation Realities (June 2023)

June 15, 2023

On popular home makeover shows, a professional team of designers, carpenters, and electricians will descend on an unsuspecting homeowner and renovate a part, or all, of their home in a matter of hours or days. It is inspiring and exhausting at the same time! The work of renovation is a good mental image for the…

Rejoicing In The Word For Ladies – Before and After (May 2023)

May 9, 2023

Most of us who have lived more than a few decades (and many who are much younger) can divide our life into one or two dramatic “before” and “after” moments. This comes as no surprise. The history of humanity hinges on the generations of “Before Christ” and the 2,000-plus years “After Christ.” For every born-again…

Rejoicing In The Word For Ladies – Be Thou My Vision (April 2023)

April 19, 2023

“Be Thou My Vision” is one of Christianity’s oldest and best-loved hymns. This eighth-century, anonymous, Irish hymn expresses humanity’s ageless need for a vision of Christ, the Light of the World, and a deep, soul’s desire for His presence (a sun and shield) to guide us through all our days. Have you ever noted the…
