Rejoicing In The Word For Ladies – Grow On (January 2024)

“But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever. Amen” 2 Pet. 3:18. Did you ever notice that we are born to grow? Every time a new baby comes along, the proud parents quote the inches, the pounds, the ounces- the…

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Rejoicing In The Word For Ladies – Daughters of the King – Part 3 (July 2022)

The focus for a daughter of the King, a redeemed child of God, is not self, but the Savior. We spent part 1 of this mini-series looking at Who He Is. In part 2, we began to meditate on What He Gives. For this final installment, there are five more “gifts” to add to our list- the…

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